Kevin McConkey got his first taste of the theater world as a kidgrowing up in Downstate Macomb. His mother nudged him into performingwith a local university theater group, and he got the bug then andthere. Not enough, however, to make acting a career.
Instead, McConkey pursued graphic design, a career path thateventually brought him to Chicago and led to opening his own firm,Grip, in the West Loop. But theater has come back into McConkey'slife in a big way. He and Grip were given the high-profile job ofdeveloping a Michigan Avenue banner campaign to promote LookingglassTheatre Co.'s debut in its new $5.5 million home in the landmarkWater Tower Water Works, 821 N. Michigan. The site provides the 14-year-old theater company with one of the city's choicest locationsfor a new theater.
The gala unveiling of the 250-seat black box space designed byMelissa Neel of John Morris Architects is set for June 14, with theworld premiere of "Race: How Blacks and Whites Think and Feel Aboutthe American Obsession," a stage adaptation of Studs Terkel's bookdirected by Lookingglass co-founder and ensemble member and notedtelevision and film star David Schwimmer.
To ensure the word gets out about the summer's biggest theatricalevent, McConkey has designed a series of clever, visually arresting,highly readable banners that will clue in tens of thousands ofMichigan Avenue strollers to exactly what is happening, theatricallyspeaking, in that neighborhood. McConkey's banner designs playfullysuggest the magnitude of the Lookingglass venture while alertingpeople to exactly where that venture is unfolding, namely the WaterTower Water Works.
Designed in shades of blue and white, the banners play off thewater works theme with some of the copy in each of several differentdesigns submerged in what appears to be a tank of water. And thewater theme is carried through in the copy, which ranges from "we'repumped" to "soak it up" and "tap into a new experience." The bannersgo up in late May from Chicago Avenue north to Oak.
Separately, McConkey has been hard at work on another Lookingglassproject to commemorate the troupe's 14-year history and the move intoits new home: an elegantly designed, individually hand-numberedcoffee table book that recounts the history of each show the companyhas produced.
The book, yet to be titled, will be given to each guest at thegala opening night on June 14. A limited number also will beavailable for sale to the public.
Wheatables effort aims at breast cancer
Kellogg's Wheatables is doing its part in the fight to curb breastcancer.
With the help of Leo Burnett, Wheatables' ad agency of record, thecracker brand is launching a new ad campaign next month to help raisefunds for the breast cancer cause, while encouraging conversationsamong women about breast cancer.
"The demographics of Wheatables crackers mirror the audience mostoften impacted by breast cancer," said Celeste Clark, Kellogg vicepresident.
Advertising supporting Wheatables breast cancer initiatives willbegin showing up in May issues of national publications such asWomen's Day and People. The print ad's focal point is several stalksof wheat shaped in the form of a breast cancer ribbon set against apink backdrop, the color traditionally associated with the breastcancer fight.
Also, beginning April 27, Wheatables will make donations to theSusan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation when consumers clip pinkribbons from specially marked boxes of the crackers. In addition,side panels on the cracker boxes will feature conversation startersto prompt discussion about breast cancer
Kellogg and Wheatables hope to raise at least $250,000 for breastcancer research, programs and services over the course of thecampaign.
Turano Bakery, 'Tony & Tina's' in promo together
Two Italian hits are joining forces in a new marketing promotion.
Chicago-based Turano Bakery has teamed up with the long-runningtheatrical production "Tony & Tina's Wedding," as part of apromotional campaign from DiMeo & Co./Chicago for Turano's newArtisan bread product. Customers who buy any Turano bread over thecourse of the campaign will receive one free ticket to the play whenthey buy one ticket.
Turano's Artisan bread is served during the wedding reception thatis part of the long-running Tony & Tina production. Plus in the playprogram a note says "The role of bread will be played tonight byTurano Artisan Bread." Yes, even bread is getting into the actnowadays.
"It's a really fun way to get your product in front of your targetaudience," said Bernie DiMeo, president/CEO of DiMeo & Co.
Ad Notes
Kimberly Ring, Young & Rubicam/Chicago's savvy public relationsdirector, left the agency on Tuesday to start a new life in Tucson,Ariz., where she will concentrate on growing a business to market theAnxiety Wrap, a body wrap that calms dogs and cats. Ring also plansto attend feng shui school.
CTS Pre-Launch, a direct response campaign for Cadillac Division,General Motors created by DraftWorldwide/Chicago, has received thePast Presidents' Award from the Chicago Association of DirectMarketing at the 2003 Tempo Awards. Other agencies that went homewith awards include LKH&S/Chicago, Brann/ Chicago, Foote, Cone &Belding/ Chicago and Cramer-Krasselt/Chicago.
Creative Marketing in Northbrook has been named agency of recordfor the Glenview Terrace Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitative Center inGlenview.
Scanlon Corporate Communications/Chicago has received a GoldBulldog Award in the investment banking and financial servicescategory at the Media Relations 2003 Conference in New York. Theaward recognizes Scanlon's efforts for the optionsXpress "GivingInvestors More Options" campaign.
Otherwise Inc./Chicago has launched www.destinationorbitz. com,the Web-based campaign that parallels the offline advertising effortrecently introduced by Young & Rubicam/Chicago. Otherwise, which isOrbitz's online agency of record, created the entire animated onlinecampaign in three weeks.
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